Welcome to NORSTRAT
NORSTRAT Consulting Inc. has been created for the express purpose of helping clients with a responsibility or a business goal to implement components of Canada’s Northern Strategy.
NORSTRAT Consulting is owned and operated by Lee Carson. Mr. Carson is a respected long-time member of Canada’s aerospace and defence community with a life-long passion for all things polar.
NORSTRAT Consulting believes that the Northern Strategy represents Canada’s most important, challenging and exciting program opportunity of the 21st century. We’d like to help you play your part.
Frequently asked questions
NORSTRAT’s mission is to help people who have a responsibility or a business goal to build needed Northern infrastructure, to build elements of Canada’s Northern Strategy. We do that by sharing our wealth of expertise on the topic and dedicating our efforts to our client’s success.
NORSTRAT’s focus is Canadian federal government-funded major infrastructure projects and initiatives. Satellites, transportation infrastructure, defence systems, telecommunications, and social infrastructure initiatives and investments including housing, among others.
Essentially by guiding the client through the Government’s Northern Strategy and where the opportunities lie, by helping the client identify and access the key relevant stakeholders, by sharing domain knowledge on the unique issues and opportunities associated with developing infrastructure in Canada’s North, and by providing proven expertise in bidding, winning and/or managing Northern infrastructure development projects. That said, help is defined by the recipient, so NORSTRAT will always offer a support package customized to the specific needs of each client. We look forward to discussing your needs and how we can meet them.
NORSTRAT is based in Ottawa, so as to be co-located with the many Federal Government departments and agencies with Northern responsibilities and jurisdictions. We ae also very close to the headquarters of the Inuit Tapirit Kanatami (ITK), the National Representative Organization protecting the rights and interests of Inuit in Canada. Ottawa is also relatively well served with frequent air connections to the North. From Ottawa, we serve clients across Canada, the United States, and Europe.

Do you have solutions that will help Canada's North realize its true potential as a healthy, prosperous and secure region within a strong and sovereign Canada?
I would love to help you succeed.